“And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” - 1 Peter 5:4

Caring for Your Vision and Hearing as You Age

hearing vision age

Many Acitvities Change When You Age As people age, they often experience changes that can significantly impact their daily activities. These changes can be physical, cognitive, and social and affect various aspects of life. Physical Changes 1. Decreased Mobility and Strength: Muscle mass and strength tend to decline with age, a condition known as sarcopenia. … Read more

Managing Chronic Conditions in the Elderly: Coping Strategies and Treatment Options

Managing Chronic Conditions in the Elderly: Coping Strategies and Treatment Options 1

Major Chronic Illnesses in the Elderly As people age, the likelihood of developing chronic illnesses increases. Chronic diseases are long-term medical conditions that are generally progressive and persistent. These conditions can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and are a major concern for healthcare systems worldwide. Here are some of the major chronic illnesses … Read more

How to Foster Great Relationships With Your Grandparents

Victoria Hospice Care

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of maintaining strong relationships with our grandparents. However, these relationships can be incredibly meaningful and enriching, offering us a unique perspective on life and a sense of belonging. In this blog post, we will explore various ways to foster great relationships with your grandparents and … Read more

Grief Counseling | Dr. Willets

In this podcast Dr. Willets is interviewed by Dr. Todd Fisher, the Executive Director/Treasurer of Oklahoma Baptists and Andy Taylor, the northeastern state representative for Oklahoma Baptist. The topic is on what pastors need to know about grief and how they can effectively minister to people who are grieving. While the podcast is directed toward … Read more

Combating Chronic Pain: Tips to Follow

Hospice in Victoria

Chronic pain is a serious issue that millions of people around the world deal with daily. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or know someone who is, it is important to understand what it is and how to best combat it. In this blog post, we will discuss what chronic pain is, some of … Read more

Addressing Caregiver Stress & Mental Health Needs

End of Life Care in Victoria

When a loved one is facing a severe illness, close family members often play an important role in the patient’s care. Primary caregivers assist with activities of daily living, emotional support, household chores and running errands.  Caregiving can be a rewarding labor of love, but it also brings many challenges. According to AARP and the … Read more

What Does Hospice Mean?

Victoria Home Hospice

When a loved one receives a terminal diagnosis, you may be informed about an option known as hospice. But what is hospice care? Does it mean you’ve given up on your loved one? How does it differ from other types of medical care? It is natural to have lots of questions to make sure your … Read more

Which Hospice Medications Would Work Best for Your Loved One?

Victoria Home Health

When a loved one is nearing the end of a terminal illness, helping them stay comfortable will be a big priority. Hospice care includes a type of treatment known as palliative care. While the terms are often used interchangeably, palliative care includes treatments given to ease pain and other symptoms. These may include things like … Read more

What Does a Healthy Grief Process Look Like?

Bloomington Palliative Care

As a pastor, Dr. T. David Willets, CG-C, had comforted many people following the death of a loved one. But until he experienced a life-altering loss of his own, “I had no idea the depth and width of their pain,” he says. In March of 2004, Willets’ wife of 27 years, along with his 18-year-old … Read more

Avoiding Caregiver Burnout During the Holidays

Palliative Care in Bloomington

The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time for giving thanks and celebrating with family and friends. But for many people, they are also a stressful time. That’s especially true if you’re the primary caregiver for a loved one with a life-threatening illness.  Even on ordinary days, caregivers must struggle to balance their loved … Read more

Helpful Ways to Prevent Falls in Older Adults

Hospice in Bloomington

Have you or a loved one suffered a fall? Are you worried they may be in danger of falling? If so, you’re not alone. About ¼ of U.S. adults age 65 and older fall each year. The aging process can affect one’s eyesight, balance, strength and reaction time. As a result, many older folks become … Read more

Should You Choose Home Hospice or In-Patient Hospice Care?

Bloomington Hospice Care

A terminal diagnosis is devastating news for any family. People often worry about how to make their loved one’s final days more comfortable. This is where hospice care can be a big help.  Hospice ensures that patients and their families receive compassionate palliative care from qualified physicians, registered nurses and other professionals. About 80% of … Read more