“And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” - 1 Peter 5:4
“Y quando el Gran Pastor aparezca, Usted recibirá la corona de gloria que nunca desaparederá.” - 1 Pedro 5:4

Donate To Crown Hospice Victoria

Donate Today & Make A Difference

Donating to Crown Hospice Victoria gives you the chance to support hospice patients, their loved ones, and your community! View the below information to learn more about how your donations directly support our patients, our community, and our hospice care program. 

Know Where Your Donation Goes

Understand Our Donation Process

All donations that Crown Hospice of Victoria receives help us provide the best quality care we can. We have three main categories that donations fit under.

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Your Donation Supports Patients

Helping hospice patients be financially supported is a key aspect of Crown Hospice Victoria donations. Your donation helps us to continue to offer the best hospice care possible.

Your Donation Supports The Community

Your donation helps us to support our community by securing beverages and snacks for our weekly grief meetings. These meetings are open to the public and provide a healing and comforting atmosphere for community members who are actively grieving.

Celebration of Life

We also rely on donations to help us coordinate our annual celebration of life. This event honors our patients who have passed during the previous year. Additionally, we hold a yearly event that allows nursing home patients, families and hospice patients to interact and spend quality time together.

Donate Today!


Donating to a 501c(3) like Crown Hospice Victoria means you may be eligible for tax deductions. Remember, proof of donation is required.