The hardest people to buy for…
If you’re like most of us, the hardest people on your Christmas list to buy for are the oldest. I could never think of what to buy for my parents growing up, and now that I’m grown up it’s even harder. This is especially true if you have a parent or loved one with dementia or other age-related limitations.
Luckily, we don’t have to come up with all the ideas on our own anymore. The folks at have compiled a list of 42 great gift ideas for older adults. We’ve highlighted our 5 favorite gifts here.
1. Custom Photo Blanket
We love this idea because it’s something they’ll not only enjoy getting but something they’ll continue to use. Available at Walmart or Shutterfly, as well as other online services, the blanket can include as few or as many photos as you like.
2. Music
Put together a CD of their favorite music and give them a simple boom box to play it on. We love this idea because it’s interactive and it engages you with them as well. You can keep making new CDs as you discover more of their favorites. If you need to simplify playback, mark the CD player with bright fluorescent labels.
3. Experiences
This is really a whole category of ideas, but we like them all. Consider a night out, a gift certificate to a favorite place, or a party instead of a traditional gift. Many older adults will prefer the time spent with you to any item you might buy.
4. Weighted or Heated Blankets
Weighted and blankets are known to reduce stress in dementia patients. However, they also promote better sleep for many others as well. If a weighted blanket is not appropriate, a heated blanket or throw can be extremely calming and comforting for any older adult.
5. Senior-friendly technology
Again, this is a category, and there are many choices. From Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa to adapted smart-phones and computers, options are increasing every day. The important thing is to make sure to get your loved one a gift that works well for them. All things considered, however, we do have a favorite.
That favorite is the GrandPad from Consumer Cellular. Starting at about $200.00 plus a $40 monthly service, this 4G device is a great way for many seniors to stay connected. Features such as a simplified user interface, charging stand/dock, and stylus make this tablet well-suited to the needs of many older adults.
A gift they’ll love
The most important thing in buying gifts for seniors is to consider how their needs may change over time. Though the process may take time, we hope this list helps give you confidence that you’re giving your loved one a gift they’ll love! Thanks again to our friends at Find their complete list here.
Hospice and Palliative Care
If you believe you or a loved one may need hospice or palliative care, please do not hesitate to call us at (361) 575-5900 today. At Crown Hospice in Victoria, Texas, we are here for you. Our trained and caring staff will listen to your needs, answer all your questions, and help you find the care you need. Please call us today.