“And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” - 1 Peter 5:4

Relational Resolutions: Improve Your Relationships in the New Year

Relational Resolutions

Some senior adults say they’re too set in their ways for New Year’s resolutions. However, resolutions can be about more than losing weight or breaking a bad habit. No matter what your age or place in life, you can use relational resolutions to improve your relationships in the New Year. Here are some suggestions for relational resolutions that are perfect for seniors or anyone.

1. Make a list of people instead of resolutions

Instead of listing things you want to change, make a list of people. These can include people you want to spend time with or write to. They can be friends or family, clergy or counselors. Then make an action plan to start investing more in those relationships.

2. Resolve to be a better friend

Proverbs 18:24 says that “A man who has friends must himself be friendly.” Let’s face it, we could all be better at being a friend. Think about what you like friends to do for you, and resolve to do those things for your friends and family. 

3. Resolve to be a peacemaker

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” (Matt 5:9) Are their relationships in your life that have become strained? Being right, being vindicated, or being treated well is not worth losing a friendship. If someone has wronged you, forgive and reach out. If you’ve wronged someone, remember, humble pie may taste bitter but it goes down sweet.

4. Resolve to involve a counselor

A therapist, family counselor, or member of the clergy can be a great help in improving relationships. Often, even when families feel everything is ok, group counseling can open up new lines of communication. Individual counseling can also be very impactful. A counselor can often give you significant help just from hearing you talk about your relationships.

5. Schedule your relationships

Many of us love surprise visits, but the truth is, they sometimes just don’t happen. Schedule time with the people that are important to you. Put them on your calendar and call, write, or visit in person with them. As with every important calendar item, schedule a backup time as well, just in case the first time doesn’t work out.

Don’t worry about results

Jesus said, “do good…expecting nothing in return.” (Luke 6:35) This certainly applies to relationships. People don’t always respond the way we’d like them to, so keep that in mind. Remember that we were made in God’s image and He is a Love-Giver. That means that we were made to give love even when it’s not returned, just like Jesus did.

Hospice and Palliative Care

If you believe you or a loved one may need hospice or palliative care, please do not hesitate to call us at (361) 575-5900 today. At Crown Hospice in Victoria, Texas, we are here for you. Our trained and caring staff will listen to your needs, answer all your questions, and help you find the care you need. Please call us today.

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If your loved one is eligible for hospice care, don’t wait to find a program. Hospice care will provide your loved one with comfort, care, and support.